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Get Started


Setup your app environment

For the purpose of this guide we will use Vite, but your can use your favorite builder instead

#we use pnpm but you can also use npm or yarn
pnpm add -D vite

Then we add SINARI Package

pnpm add @axioroute-sinari/axioroute-sdk @axioroute-sinari/axioroute-mapviz

Setup your entry files

Create an html file at index.html with the following content

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<title>SINARI - Get Started</title>
<script type="module" src="/src/index.js"></script>

It's just an empty page with our Map Webview as an iframe

Then create our javascript entry point at src/index.js

* We import the Class we will need to get our app running
import {
} from "@axioroute-sinari/axioroute-sdk";

* We set the SINARI API base url, the auth url (see pre-requisites) and the api key (see pre-requisites).

* We set the author of the messages sent from this App.
* It will be used to identify the sender of the message on the receiving side.

* We tell our app that we will communicate with the iframe with id "webview"
targetWindow: document.getElementById("webview").contentWindow,

Start your local HTTP Server

Add the following line in your package.json file

"scripts": {
"start": "vite"

and run

pnpm start

You should see at the following view:

Map Step 0

Send our first State to the Map Webview

Now that we have our app up and running, let's add some content to the Map Webview.

We will create a sample SINARI State describing 3 physical Sites and send it to the Map Webview

add the following block to our src/index.js

* We define the state of our app with 3 sites inlcuding one depot.
let myState = {
sites: [
coordinates: {
longitude: -0.561642,
latitude: 47.462544,
isDepot: false,
entityType: "SITE",
id: "CJM",
coordinates: {
longitude: -0.345602,
latitude: 48.597481,
isDepot: false,
entityType: "SITE",
id: "SINARI",
coordinates: {
longitude: -1.604869,
latitude: 48.113197,
isDepot: true,
entityType: "SITE",

* We first wait the Map Webview to be ready
await ARMessage.on("MAP_READY", (message) => {
* Then we send a message to the Map Webview to render it

type: "SET_WEBVIEW_ENTITIES", //you'll see later why we have to repeat this field
payload: myState,

You should now see our 3 Sites marked with blue pins

Map Step 1

Add operations to the State

We will add to Delivery Operations to our current State. One in each of our none depot Sites

Edit src/index.js

let myState = {
operations: [
id: "OPERATION_01",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "AXIOROUTE",
id: "OPERATION_02",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "CJM",

Here is our new view:

Map Step 2

Sites icons have been replaced by Operation default icons.
Red is the default Color for Operations that aren't scheduled on a Route yet.
By placing the mouse cursor over an Operation, we can see the Operation's id.

Add a truck to the State

To make our first request to SINARI API, we need a state with at least one Vehicle.
Let's add it to our current state.

let myState = {
trucks: [
id: "VEHICLE_01",
availablePeriods: [
id: "PERIOD_01",
timeWindow: {
start: "2022-11-01T04:30:00.000+01:00",
end: "2022-11-02T12:00:00.000+01:00",
departureSite: "SINARI",
arrivalSite: "SINARI",

There is no change to the Map because Vehicles won't be rendered on the Map at this point.

Authenticate to SINARI API

add the end of src/index.js add:

const apiClient = ARRequestClient.instance();
await apiClient.auth("<USERNAME>", "<PASSWORD>");
Be cautious

Remember to never leave your username/password in any file when you'll have finished your onboarding.
They should always been pass through user form

Sending our first Request to SINARI API

add the end of src/index.js add:

* We create a MPT Problem from our currentState
const problem1 = MPTJobTools.getProblem(myState);

* Since we wont get an instant answer to our problem,
* we will subscribe to an Event warning us the solution has been found and received
apiClient.subscribe("RECEIVED", (request) => {
//We will create our next State from the previous State
myState = MPTJobTools.updateState(myState, request.job.solution);

//and render our new State
type: "SET_WEBVIEW_ENTITIES", //you'll see later why we have to repeat this field
payload: myState,

* At last, we send our MPT Problem to SINARI API

await apiClient.sendMPTProblem(problem1);

And we should now see our Route starting from our Depot, passing by our two Delivery Sites before returning to the Depot.
Map Step 4