

getCurrentFeatureByPriority: ((features, map) => undefined | {
    entityType: AREntityType;
    ref: ARRef;
}) = getCurrentFeatureByPriority

Type declaration

    • (features, map): undefined | {
          entityType: AREntityType;
          ref: ARRef;
    • filter features selection to return a unique feature that should be the current one

      this will be the first item returned by getFeaturesByPriority


      Returns undefined | {
          entityType: AREntityType;
          ref: ARRef;

      both the ARRef of the feature and its AREntityType

getFeatureByTypeAndId: ((map, searchType, searchId) => undefined | ARFeature) = getFeatureByTypeAndId

Type declaration

    • (map, searchType, searchId): undefined | ARFeature
    • Parameters

      • map: Map
      • searchType: string
      • searchId: string

      Returns undefined | ARFeature

getFeaturesByPriority: ((features, map) => ARFeature[]) = getFeaturesByPriority

Type declaration

    • (features, map): ARFeature[]
    • Return the highest priority features according to the following rules order:

      if there is at least one operation feature, only operation features are returned

      if there is at least one activity feature, only activity features are returned

      if there is at least one itinerary feature, only itinerary features are returned AND all itinerary features on the same routeId


      Returns ARFeature[]

      filtered features

getItineraryByRouteId: ((map, searchId) => undefined | ARFeature) = getItineraryByRouteId

Type declaration

setCurrentFeature: ((features, map) => void) = setCurrentFeature

Type declaration

    • (features, map): void
    • Set a given Entity as Current + side effects (rendering + ACTIVITY special case)


      • features: ARFeature[]

        if more than one feature is given, the one with the highest priority will be set as current

      • map: Map

      Returns void

setSelectedFeatures: ((features, map, vectorSource, mode) => ARFeature[]) = setSelectedFeatures

Type declaration

    • (features, map, vectorSource, mode): ARFeature[]
    • Add/Remove Selected Features with respect to given Select mode AND filtered by SelectInteraction.getFeaturesByPriority

      If mode is ADDITIVE, only features that are not already selected will be added

      If mode is TOGGLE, already selected features will be removed, and new ones added

      If mode is DEFAULT, only given features will be selected

      Note: it will trigger re-rendering


      Returns ARFeature[]

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