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Create, optimize and display a Route

In this guide we will

  • listen to the MAP_READY event on the map
  • create a state with sites, operations, trucks
  • create MPT problem to generate an optimized route
  • send the MPT Problem to the Axioroute API
  • display the resulting route on a map
  • change MPT problem to get a sorted route

Follow common setup steps

If not done already, follow common setup and requirements

Wait for the map to be ready

In our index.js file, we will add a listener to the MAP_READY event on the map.


ARMessage.on("MAP_READY", (event) => {
console.log(`The MAP is ready`);

Create the State

We need an initial state to optimize:

const sites = [
coordinates: {
longitude: -0.561642,
latitude: 47.462544,
isDepot: false,
id: "CJM",
coordinates: {
longitude: -0.345602,
latitude: 48.597481,
isDepot: false,
coordinates: {
longitude: 1.697037,
latitude: 46.816713,
isDepot: false,
id: "GPI",
coordinates: {
longitude: 4.740329,
latitude: 45.752201,
isDepot: false,
id: "SINARI",
coordinates: {
longitude: -1.604869,
latitude: 48.113197,
isDepot: true,
id: "XYRIC",
coordinates: {
longitude: 5.09304,
latitude: 47.310967,
isDepot: false,

const operations = {
operations: [
id: "OPERATION_01",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "AXIOROUTE",
id: "OPERATION_02",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "COFISOFT",
id: "OPERATION_03",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "CJM",
id: "OPERATION_04",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "GPI",
id: "OPERATION_05",
type: "DELIVERY",
idSiteDestination: "XYRIC",

const trucks = [
id: "VEHICLE_01",
availablePeriods: [
id: "PERIOD_01",
timeWindow: {
start: "2022-11-01T04:30:00.000+01:00",
end: "2022-11-02T12:00:00.000+01:00",
departureSite: "SINARI",
arrivalSite: "SINARI",

Let's replace the console.log with the state creation:

let state = {
sites: sites,
operations: operations,
trucks: trucks,

ARMessage.on("MAP_READY", (event) => {
payload: state,

Create the MPT Problem

We will create a MPT Problem with the state we just created and an optimization objective (action):

const action = {
operations: [
id: "OPERATION_01",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_02",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_03",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_04",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_05",
type: "DELIVERY",
to: {
idTruck: "VEHICLE_01",
idPeriod: "PERIOD_01",

const myMPTProblem = MPTJobTools.getProblem(state, action);
const job = await apiClient.sendMPTProblem(myMPTProblem);

Display the resulting route on a map

We will only listen to the RECEIVED event, which is triggered when the solution is ready.

apiClient.subscribe("RECEIVED", (request) => {
//We update our state (we add the solution to the route)
state = MPTJobTools.updateState(state, request.job.solution);

payload: state,

Update the MPT Problem to get a sorted route

Sometime you just want a Route with operations sorted in specific order.
You can achieve that just by changing the action definition:

const action = {
operations: [
id: "OPERATION_01",
type: "DELIVERY",

id: "OPERATION_03",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_02",
type: "DELIVERY",

id: "OPERATION_05",
type: "DELIVERY",
id: "OPERATION_04",
type: "DELIVERY",
to: {
idTruck: "VEHICLE_01",
idPeriod: "PERIOD_01",

For an exhaustive list of Action parameters and their usage, see the Action schema in the MPT API documentation