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Map to App

In this section you will find messages you can receive from the map in your app.


Ready Status

When the Map is ready to receive messages, it will send a MAP_READY message.

  • Message Type: MAP_READY.
  • Payload Type: empty object.
"type": "MAP_READY",
"message": {}


Current Mouse Position

When the user moves the mouse over the map, the map will send a CURRENT_POS message.

"type": "CURRENT_POS",
"mapMode": "DEFAULT",
"payload": {
"pos": {
"pixel": [412.80859375, 368.17578125],
"lonLat": [-0.5198055393676759, 47.698415549268844]

pixel field is the position of the mouse on the map in pixel, relative to the top right corner of the map.


You can see that type is at the first and second level of the message.
The root level is the ARMessageEventInput type, that can be any string.
The second level is the ARMapUIEvent type, that can be any ARMapUIEventType value for Map to App Messages.


When the user clicks on the map, the map will send a CLICK message.

"type": "CLICK",
"mapMode": "DEFAULT",
"payload": {
"pos": {
"lonLat": [-0.3383360781214185, 48.575909751021186]
"hitFeatures": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.345602, 48.597481]
"properties": {
"_ar": {
"id": "OPERATION_03",
"type": "POI",
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"displayType": "icon",
"displayOptions": {
"img": "bullet_square_red.png",
"width": 16,
"height": 16
"tooltip": {
"title": "OPERATION_03",
"body": "DELIVERY"
"capacities": ["SELECT", "DRAG_AND_DROP", "ROLLOVER"]

Drag and Drop

When the user starts to drag a [draggable] entity, it will send a DRAG_END at the end of it.

"type": "DRAG_END",
"payload": {
"draggedFeatures": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.561642, 47.462544]
"properties": {
"_ar": {
"id": "OPERATION_01",
"type": "POI",
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"displayType": "icon",
"displayOptions": {
"img": "bullet_square_red.png",
"width": 16,
"height": 16
"tooltip": {
"title": "OPERATION_01",
"body": "DELIVERY"
"capacities": ["SELECT", "DRAG_AND_DROP", "ROLLOVER"]
"draggedOnFeatures": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "LineString",
"coordinates": [
[1.697037, 46.816713],
[-1.604869, 48.113197]
"properties": {
"_ar": {
"id": "b4a7eedd-8b3b-4314-a5c5-fb5a1142fa96--COFISOFT--SINARI--4",
"type": "ITINERARY",
"entityType": "ITINERARY",
"displayType": "wired-itinerary",
"capacities": ["SELECT", "ROLLOVER", "DRAG_AND_DROP"],
"itinerary": {
"routeId": "b4a7eedd-8b3b-4314-a5c5-fb5a1142fa96",
"step": 4,
"start": {
"latitude": 46.816713,
"longitude": 1.697037
"end": {
"latitude": 48.113197,
"longitude": -1.604869
"selectedDisplayOptions": {
"color": [240, 148, 31, 1]
"tooltip": {
"title": "b4a7eedd-8b3b-4314-a5c5-fb5a1142fa96",
"body": ""
"draggedType": "OPERATION",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [-0.024374508101432192, 47.50014435041297],
"pixel": [653.1916855973833, 330.9155010240356]
"tags": []
"mapMode": "DEFAULT"


When the user end a click or box selection, it will send a SELECT_FEATURES message.

"payload": {
"selectedFeatures": [
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.561642, 47.462544]
"properties": {
"_ar": {
"id": "OPERATION_01",
"type": "POI",
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"displayType": "icon",
"displayOptions": {
"img": "bullet_square_red.png",
"width": 16,
"height": 16
"tooltip": {
"title": "OPERATION_01",
"body": "DELIVERY"
"capacities": ["SELECT", "DRAG_AND_DROP", "ROLLOVER"]
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [1.697037, 46.816713]
"properties": {
"_ar": {
"id": "OPERATION_02",
"type": "POI",
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"displayType": "icon",
"displayOptions": {
"img": "bullet_square_red.png",
"width": 16,
"height": 16
"tooltip": {
"title": "OPERATION_02",
"body": "DELIVERY"
"capacities": ["SELECT", "DRAG_AND_DROP", "ROLLOVER"]
"mapMode": "DEFAULT"

Current Entities Activation

On a single click on feature with AREntityType of OPERATION, ACTIVITY or ITINERARY, it will send a CURRENT_FEATURES message.

"payload": {
"ref": {
"id": "b4a7eedd-8b3b-4314-a5c5-fb5a1142fa96---XYRIC---5"
"entityType": "ACTIVITY"
"mapMode": "SELECT"

Message will also be sent upon feature box selection.
The feature with the highest priority, according to the SelectInteraction.getCurrentFeatureByPriority method, will be sent.