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Route optimization

Send a route optimization to API MPT; you will have to first send a SDK_ENTITIES message.

When the calculation is launched, in progress or finished, some messages will be sent by the SDK

  • JOB_PROGRESS to follow the calculation progression, until it is finished
  • SDK_ENTITIES entities updated by the calculation solution (in order to synchronize the data in the application).


  • type : RUN_MPT
  • author : client Id as provided in the ìnitialisation message
  • recipients : SDK Id as provided in the ìnitialisation message
  • status : SENT



Example of route optimization
"type": "RUN_MPT",
"payload": {
"routes": [
"<Route id>"
"author": "<author id>",
"recipients": [
"<recipient id>"
"status": "SENT"