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In this section you will find guides to help you get started with Axioroute SDK.

For all guides there will be some common requirements and basic setup that are listed here.


Follow the Get Started page

  • Get an API key -> see with Axioroute
  • Download the SDK library
  • Link the library to your application

Setup the SDK

If the SDK is successfully initialized, store the sdkStatus.webViewUrl

Open the MapViewer

Open the sdkStatus.webViewUrl in a browser. This can be :

  • an internal browser in your application : simply navigate to sdkStatus.webviewUrl
  • an external browser

The MapViewer is now communicating with the SDK.

Launching the MapViewer in an external browser

Send the WinApi command ShellExecute with the appropriate parameters.

ShellExecute(0, 'OPEN', PChar(sdkStatus.webviewUrl), '', '', SW_SHOWNORMAL);
//webviewURL returned by the SDK is a widestring
ShellExecute(0, L'OPEN', webviewUrl.c_str(), L'', L'', SW_SHOWNORMAL);

Map display

This will open the default webbrowser, displaying a map : w_intro

Ensure you receive map messages

Just move the mouse on the map, you should received Mouse position messages.

That's all ! Feel free to send messages as described in the next pages.