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This message is sent by the SDK when the SDK is initialized.


  • type : INIT_SDK
  • author : sdk Id
  • recipients : contains userName
  • status : RECEIVED or ERROR


  • sdkStatus : acknowledgement of the SDK initialization


  • stop : Boolean JSON (false by default) if set to true, this means the SDK is stopped
  • statusCode : HTTP status code
  • message : A readable message describing what happened while initializing the SDK
  • serverUrl : The websocket server URL
  • userName : The session id for the SDK (may have been auto generated)
  • sdkName : The SDK id (sdk_ + userName)
  • webviewName : The map webpage id (wv_ + userName)
  • webviewUrl : The webpage you can open for this session to display entities on a map

From now, you will have to send messages like this :

  • author : userName received
  • recipients : sdkName received

You will also receive messages like this :

  • author : sdkName received
  • recipients : userName received

If the Initialization message was not containing websocket information, the fields serverUrl, webviewName and webviewUrl are not present.


Example of a successful initialization
"type": "INIT_SDK",
"payload": {
"sdkStatus": {
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Websocket client succesfully started",
"serverUrl": "ws:\/\/localhost:5175",
"userName": "87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D",
"sdkName": "sdk_87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D",
"webviewName": "wv_87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D",
"webviewUrl": "https:\/\/\/?author=wv_87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D&websocketRecipients=sdk_87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D&websocketServerUrl=ws:\/\/localhost:5175"
"author": "sdk_87C07571-7268-4254-8335-BA73951E3C5D",
"recipients": [
"status": "RECEIVED"
Example of a successful SDK Stop
"type": "INIT_SDK",
"payload": {
"stop": true,
"sdkStatus": {
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "SDK successfully stopped"
"author": "SDK",
"recipients": [
"status": "RECEIVED"

In case of a SDK stop, the author and recipients are set with different values than before : the client Id is no longer known