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Asynchronous job progress

This message is sent when an asynchronous calculation call has been made; it can represent a progression, an API end of process message or an error.


  • author : SDK Id
  • recipients : Client Id
  • status : SENT


  • api : String indicating the API origin (possible values : MPT, MCDI, CARTO)
  • jobId : String for the API job Id
  • action : String for Job process (possible values : RUN_MPT, MCIINDEPENDANTJOB)
  • progress : String for the progression (possible values : blank, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETE, ERROR)
  • percent : Integer for percentage when IN_PROGRESS
  • lastMessage : Boolean indicating that the job is finished or not
  • statusCode : HTTP status code
  • message : Displayable message for the job progress
  • entityType (only for MPT or MCDI job) entity type (possible values : MPTJOB, MCIINDEPENDANTJOB)
  • jobData : ARJobData : JSON Object describing the job and the result (if succeeded)

ARJobData description for action :