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Message structure

All the message sent to the SDK or received from the SDK are based on the same JSON structure :


  • type : String indicating the message type
  • author : message author
  • recipients : recipients list of the message (generally one recipient)
  • status : string containing the message status
  • mapMode : string containing the map webpage mode (when information is sent by the webpage)
  • payload : a JSON object containing the message values

Possible values for status

  • SENT : Used when a process sends a message
  • RECEIVED : Used to resend a message when a third process needs to acknowledge the message (few messages concerned)
  • ERROR : When the message cannot be sent
"type": "<message type",
"payload": {<message content>},
"author": "<author id>",
"recipients": [
"<recipient id>"
"mapMode": "<map mode status",
"status": "SENT"