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Drag and Drop interactions

In this guide we will

  • display a route and an operation on the map
  • add an operation to a route
  • remove an activity from a route

Follow common setup steps

If not done already, follow common Introduction page.

Display a route and an operation on the map

First, send a Entities message with this payload

Payload for SDK_ENTITIES message
"sites": [
"id": "MOULINS",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": 3.327869,
"latitude": 46.559176
"isDepot": false
"id": "AXIOROUTE",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": -0.561642,
"latitude": 47.462544
"isDepot": false
"id": "CJM",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": -0.345602,
"latitude": 48.597481
"isDepot": false
"id": "COFISOFT",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": 1.697037,
"latitude": 46.816713
"isDepot": false
"id": "GPI",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": 4.740329,
"latitude": 45.752201
"isDepot": false
"id": "SINARI",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": -1.604869,
"latitude": 48.113197
"isDepot": true
"id": "XYRIC",
"coordinates": {
"longitude": 5.09304,
"latitude": 47.310967
"isDepot": false
"trucks": [
"id": "VEHICLE_01",
"availablePeriods": [
"id": "PERIOD_01",
"timeWindow": {
"start": "2022-11-01T04:30:00.000+01:00",
"end": "2022-11-02T12:00:00.000+01:00"
"departureSite": "SINARI",
"arrivalSite": "SINARI"
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_07",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "MOULINS"
"id": "OPERATION_01",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "AXIOROUTE"
"id": "OPERATION_02",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "COFISOFT"
"id": "OPERATION_03",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "CJM"
"id": "OPERATION_04",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "GPI"
"id": "OPERATION_05",
"type": "DELIVERY",
"idSiteDestination": "XYRIC"
"referencePlanning": {
"vehicleRoutes": [
"truck": "VEHICLE_01",
"period": "PERIOD_01",
"routes": [
"id": "000ZYX1DH01",
"activities": [
"activity": "ROUTE_START",
"site": "SINARI"
"activity": "LOADING",
"site": "SINARI",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_03",
"type": "LOADING"
"id": "OPERATION_05",
"type": "LOADING"
"id": "OPERATION_04",
"type": "LOADING"
"id": "OPERATION_02",
"type": "LOADING"
"id": "OPERATION_01",
"type": "LOADING"
"activity": "DELIVERY",
"site": "CJM",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_03",
"type": "DELIVERY"
"activity": "DELIVERY",
"site": "XYRIC",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_05",
"type": "DELIVERY"
"activity": "DELIVERY",
"site": "GPI",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_04",
"type": "DELIVERY"
"activity": "DELIVERY",
"site": "COFISOFT",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_02",
"type": "DELIVERY"
"activity": "DELIVERY",
"site": "AXIOROUTE",
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_01",
"type": "DELIVERY"
"activity": "ROUTE_END",
"site": "SINARI"

Map display


Add an operation to a route

Drag and drop the operation on the route

On the map, Drag and drop the operation "MOULINS" to the route segment between "COFISOFT" and "GPI".

A Drag and drop event message will be sent containing this payload

Payload for DRAG_END message
"draggedEntities": [
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"id": "OPERATION_07",
"idxSplit": 0
"draggedOnEntities": [
"entityType": "ITINERARY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01"
"draggedType": "OPERATION",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"tags": [],
"mptAction": {
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_07"
"to": {
"idRoute": "000ZYX1DH01"
"draggedFeatures": [],
"draggedOnFeatures": []

Run a route optimization

Send a Route optimization message with the mptAction received in the "DRAG_END" event message.

Payload for RUN_MPT message
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_07"
"to": {
"idRoute": "000ZYX1DH01"

Map display

When the route optimization, is finished, the map is updated.


Remove an activity from a route

Drag and drop the activity to the trashbin

On the map, Drag and drop the activity "COFISOFT" to the trashbin.

A Drag and drop event message will be sent containing this payload

Payload for DRAG_END message
"draggedEntities": [
"entityType": "ACTIVITY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01",
"index": 12
"draggedOnEntities": [],
"draggedType": "ACTIVITY",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"tags": [
"mptAction": {
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_02"
"draggedFeatures": [],
"draggedOnFeatures": []

Run a route optimization

Send a Route optimization message with the mptAction received in the "DRAG_END" event message.

Payload for RUN_MPT message
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_02"

Map display

When the route optimization, is finished, the map is updated.
