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Update current entities

Prepare a route with one operation that is not on a route

Follow the Drag and Drop interactions especially for the Remove an activity from a route

Set the current operation

Send a Current entities message with the following payload :

set OPERATION_07 as the current one
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"id": "OPERATION_07",
"idxSplit": 0

Map display


Set the current route

Send a Current entities message with the following payload :

set 000ZYX1DH01 as the current one
"entityType": "ITINERARY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01

Map display


Set the current activity

Send a Current entities message with the following payload :

set activity on route 000ZYX1DH01 at index 10 as the current one
"entityType": "ACTIVITY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01",
"index": 10

Map display


Set current activity and current operation

Send the 2 messages (see below)

Map diplay
