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Show a POI on the Map

In this guide we will

  • listen to the CLICK event on the map
  • reverse geocode the click event in order to display the address under the POI
  • setup a POI with the address to be displayed on the maps
  • send and show the POI on the Map

Follow common setup steps

If not done already, follow common Introduction page.

Listen to the CLICK event

Click on the map on the desired location.

You will received a CLICK event message

Payload example of a CLICK event message
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"hitEntities": [],
"hitFeatures": []

Reverse geocode the coordinates

Build a SitePoint

Build a SitePoint with the position received.

SitePoint example
"id": "0DD2BD59-B7FF-46DA-AA21-0F38CAE07C89",
"longitude": -0.56168682235152,
"latitude": 47.4624835894391

Send a ReverseGeocode message

Build a Reverse geocode message and send it with the SDK SendEvent function.

Payload example of a reverse geocode message
"id": "0DD2BD59-B7FF-46DA-AA21-0F38CAE07C89",
"longitude": -0.56168682235152,
"latitude": 47.4624835894391

Listen to the Job progress message

The SDK will send a Job progress event message.

Payload example of a reverse geocode job progress message
"api": "CARTO",
"jobId": "6E8F86EC-9367-4B3E-A1F2-DC52678BF04A",
"action": "REVERSE_GEOCODE",
"progress": "COMPLETE",
"lastMessage": true,
"statusCode": 200,
"message": "Reverse geocode : 1\/1",
"jobData": [
"id": "0DD2BD59-B7FF-46DA-AA21-0F38CAE07C89",
"longitude": -0.56168682235152,
"latitude": 47.4624835894391,
"road": {
"id": "14734175",
"arcab": 0,
"arcba": 27540190,
"roadtype": 0,
"name": "Rue Fulton",
"distance": 90,
"speedcat": 1,
"roadlevel": 5,
"geometries": [
"position": {
"arc_index": 25995277,
"percentage": 34,
"nodeid": 12343460,
"longitude": -0.561707,
"latitude": 47.462553,
"distfromroad": 8,
"sideofroad": 1
"address": {
"number": 10,
"streetname": "Rue Fulton",
"suburb": "",
"zipcode": "49000",
"cityname": "Angers",
"region": "Maine-et-Loire",
"subcountry": "Pays de la Loire",
"country": "FRA"

Display a POI on the map

Build a WebviewPOI

Build a WebviewPOI with a label coming from the reverse geocode.

Example of a POI with a label coming from Reverse geocode
"id": "0DD2BD59-B7FF-46DA-AA21-0F38CAE07C89",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"icon": "pin_yellow_syd.png",
"displayOptions": {
"width": 18,
"height": 24,
"anchor": [
"label": "10 Rue Fulton 49000 Angers"

Send a Entitie message

Build a Entities message and send it with the SDK SendEvent function.

Payload example of a Entites message with a POI
"pois": [
"id": "0DD2BD59-B7FF-46DA-AA21-0F38CAE07C89",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"icon": "pin_yellow_syd.png",
"displayOptions": {
"width": 18,
"height": 24,
"anchor": [
"label": "10 Rue Fulton 49000 Angers"

Map display
