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Drag and drop

This message is sent when the user drop entities somewhere


  • type : DRAG_END
  • author : SDK Id
  • recipients : Client Id
  • status : SENT


  • draggedEntities : List of ARBaseEntityRef, list of entities (if exist) that have been dragged
  • draggedOnEntities : List of ARBaseEntityRef,list of entities (if exist) where the drop was done
  • pos : ARPos, coordinates where the drop was done
  • draggedType : entity type of the entity when the drag began (if exist)
  • tags : tags for additional drag info example: will include TRASHBIN if dragged on trashbin
  • mptAction : Action proposition for a Route optimization
  • draggedFeatures : List of features (not documented, exclusive use of the SDK)
  • draggedOnFeatures : List of features (not documented, exclusive use of the SDK)

mptAction received from the SDK is a proposal based on our standard rules.


The action is not run automatically.
You are free to run it or to build your own action to run.
See Route optimization for an example


Example of an operation dragged on a route
"type": "DRAG_END",
"payload": {
"draggedEntities": [
"entityType": "OPERATION",
"id": "OPERATION_06",
"idxSplit": 0
"draggedOnEntities": [
"entityType": "ITINERARY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01"
"draggedType": "OPERATION",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"tags": [],
"mptAction": {
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_06"
"to": {
"idRoute": "000ZYX1DH01"
"draggedFeatures": [],
"draggedOnFeatures": []
"author": "<author id>",
"recipients": [
"<recipient id>"
"status": "SENT"
Example of an activity dragged on the trashbin
"type": "DRAG_END",
"payload": {
"draggedEntities": [
"entityType": "ACTIVITY",
"id": "000ZYX1DH01",
"index": 10
"draggedOnEntities": [],
"draggedType": "ACTIVITY",
"pos": {
"lonLat": [
"tags": [
"mptAction": {
"operations": [
"id": "OPERATION_06"
"draggedFeatures": [],
"draggedOnFeatures": []
"author": "<author id>",
"recipients": [
"<recipient id>"
"status": "SENT"