

addLinkedMCIjob: ((job, routeId, state) => ARBaseState) = addLinkedMCIjob

Type declaration

getAllProblems: ((arState) => ARRouteMCIProblem[]) = getAllProblems

Type declaration

getProblem: ((routeId, state) => MCIProblem) = getProblem

Type declaration

    • (routeId, state): MCIProblem
    • create MCI problem definition from route activities for given routeId


      • routeId: string

        of the route to create problem from

      • state: Partial<ARBaseState>

      Returns MCIProblem

isMCIJobStatus: ((token) => token is MCIJobStatus) = isMCIJobStatus

Type declaration

    • (token): token is MCIJobStatus
    • Parameters

      • token: any

      Returns token is MCIJobStatus

isMCISolution: ((solution) => solution is MCISolution) = isMCISolution

Type declaration

updateLinkedMCIjob: ((job, state) => ARBaseState) = updateLinkedMCIjob

Type declaration

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