

cleanSolution: ((mptSolution) => MPTSolution) = cleanSolution

Type declaration

    • (mptSolution): MPTSolution
    • API Solution data may be lacking some informations to be easily usable within client application. Before Client App can use it, it is improved with some data.


      Returns MPTSolution

      fully fledged MPTSoluion (fully usable within client app)

getProblem: ((arState, action?) => MPTProblem) = getProblem

Type declaration

isMPTJobStatus: ((token) => token is MPTJobStatus) = isMPTJobStatus

Type declaration

    • (token): token is MPTJobStatus
    • Parameters

      • token: any

      Returns token is MPTJobStatus

isMPTSolution: ((solution) => solution is MPTSolution) = isMPTSolution

Type declaration

isVerified: ((problem) => boolean) = isVerified

Type declaration

    • (problem): boolean
    • Parameters

      Returns boolean

updateState: ((state, solution) => ARBaseState) = updateState

Type declaration

verify: ((problem) => VerifyStatus[]) = verify

Type declaration

    • (problem): VerifyStatus[]
    • verify if MPT problem is valid


      Returns VerifyStatus[]

      a list of status for any missing data or ['OK'] if problem is valid

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