Helper class to manipulate Route entities



getAllArrivalSites: ((arState) => ARSite[]) = getAllArrivalSites

Type declaration

    • (arState): ARSite[]
    • get all arrival sites from all Routes if 2+ Routes use same departue site, only return it once


      Returns ARSite[]

getAllDepartureSites: ((arState) => ARSite[]) = getAllDepartureSites

Type declaration

    • (arState): ARSite[]
    • get all departures site from all Routes if 2+ Routes use same departue site, only return it once


      Returns ARSite[]

getAllRouteIds: ((arState) => string[]) = getAllRouteIds

Type declaration

    • (arState): string[]
    • get all RouteIds from referencePlanning


      Returns string[]

getAllVehicleRoutes: ((arState) => ARVehicleRoute[]) = getAllVehicleRoutes

Type declaration

getArrivalDate: ((routeId, arState) => Date) = getArrivalDate

Type declaration

    • (routeId, arState): Date
    • return arrival Date for given ARRoute id


      Returns Date

getArrivalSite: ((routeId, arState) => ARSite) = getArrivalSite

Type declaration

    • (routeId, arState): ARSite
    • return arrivalSite for given ARRoute id


      Returns ARSite

getById: ((routeId, arState) => ARRoute) = getById

Type declaration

getDepartureDate: ((routeId, arState) => Date) = getDepartureDate

Type declaration

    • (routeId, arState): Date
    • return departure Date for given ARRoute id


      Returns Date

getDepartureSite: ((routeId, arState) => ARSite) = getDepartureSite

Type declaration

    • (routeId, arState): ARSite
    • return departureSite for given ARRoute id


      Returns ARSite

getLinkedRouteIds: ((arState) => string[]) = getLinkedRouteIds

Type declaration

    • (arState): string[]
    • return all route ids with a linked mci Solution


      Returns string[]

getMCIUnresolvedRouteIds: ((arState) => string[]) = getMCIUnresolvedRouteIds

Type declaration

    • (arState): string[]
    • get all RouteIds from referencePlanning not yet mapped to an MCI job


      Returns string[]

getSitePoints: ((routeId, arState) => ARSitePoint[]) = getSitePoints

Type declaration

getStartDates: ((routeId, arState) => Date[]) = getStartDates

Type declaration

    • (routeId, arState): Date[]
    • get all startDates from routeId (one for each sitePoint except last one)


      Returns Date[]

getVehicleRoute: ((routeId, arState) => ARVehicleRoute) = getVehicleRoute

Type declaration

isARRoute: ((route) => route is ARRoute) = isARRoute

Type declaration

isARVehicleRoute: ((vr) => vr is ARVehicleRoute) = isARVehicleRoute

Type declaration

linkRouteIdWithMCIJob: ((routeId, mciJob, arState) => MCIRouteLink[]) = linkRouteIdWithMCIJob

Type declaration

    • (routeId, mciJob, arState): MCIRouteLink[]
    • link a routeId with an MCI job and return a new MCIRouteLink array


      Returns MCIRouteLink[]

      Updated MCIRouteLink array

toRouteLite: ((route) => ARRouteLite) = toRouteLite

Type declaration

toVehicleRoutesLite: ((vehicleRoute) => ARVehicleRouteLite) = toVehicleRoutesLite

Type declaration

updateMCIRouteLink: ((mciJob, arState) => MCIRouteLink[]) = updateMCIRouteLink

Type declaration

updateMCIRouteLinks: ((state, mptSolution) => MCIRouteLink[]) = updateMCIRouteLinks

Type declaration

updateReferencePlanning: ((state, mptSolution) => ARReferencePlanning) = updateReferencePlanning

Type declaration

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