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Opening Times

Time Profile

This object describes the opening times of a site.
See TimeProfile definition under Schemas/TimeProfile in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Time Profile
"id": "Profile_T01",
"openingTime" : {
"timeWindows": [
"startWindow": "2020-11-09T07:30:00Z",
"endWindow": "2020-11-09T12:00:00Z"
"recurrentTimeWindows": [
"days": [
"startTime": "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00",
"timeRange": 43140,
"timeZone": "Europe/Paris"
"nbPassage": 1
"timeOtherPassages": []

A time profile id must be present and unique in the timeProfiles list in the entities message.


openingTime property define theOpening Time


timeOtherPassages property is a list of Opening Time depending of the passages

Opening Time

This object describes the opening times of a logistic site.
See OpeningTime definition under Schemas/OpeningTime in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Opening Time
"timeWindows": [
"startWindow": "2020-11-09T07:30:00Z",
"endWindow": "2020-11-09T12:00:00Z"
"recurrentTimeWindows": [
"days": [
"startTime": "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00",
"timeRange": 43140,
"timeZone": "Europe/Paris"
"nbPassage": 1

timeWindows property is a time window


recurrentTimeWindows property is a list of relative time window

Relative Time Window

This object describes a relative and recurrent time window.
See RelativeTimeWindow definition under Schemas/RelativeTimeWindow in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Relative Time Windows
"days": [
"startTime": "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00",
"timeRange": 43200,
"timeZone": "Europe/Paris"

The intersection of all relatives time windows must be empty.


startTime property is a timestamp that must comply with ISO 8601 standard.


timeRange property is the duration, in seconds, counted from the start time.

In this example 43200s (12h00m00) counted from "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00" gives "2023-10-19T17:00:00.000+02:00"