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This object is a descendant of ARBaseEntity object, thus it inherits the entityType property
It extends Operation object definition.
See definition under Schemas/Operation in MPT OpenAPI Documentation. This object describes an order.

Example of Order
"id": "OT1",
"type": "COLLECTION",
"earliestLatestDatesOnOrigin": {
"start": "2023-10-19T06:00:00.000+02:00",
"end": "2023-10-19T16:00:00.000+02:00"
"earliestLatestDatesOnDestination": {
"start": "2023-10-19T00:00:00.000+02:00",
"end": "2023-10-19T23:59:00.000+02:00"
"idSiteOrigin": "Client",
"idxSplit": 0,
"idxPassage": 1,
"weight": 165,
"volume": 165,
"handlingQuantity": 165,
"idProduct": "résiduels",
"idTimeProfileOnOrigin": "B_0000_DEFAUT",
"idLogisticProfileOnOrigin": "L_DEFAUT_DEFAUT_NNNNONNNNNNNNNNN9900",
"priority": 0,
"splittable": true,
"truckAssignment": {
"idTruck": "TRUCK_01",
"idAvailablePeriod": "PERIOD_01"
"fixedProduct": true,
"entityType": "OPERATION",

AROperation add entityType property to API MPT Operation object.
For an order, the entityType value is "OPERATION"


The pair (id,idxsplit) defining an order must be present and unique in the orders list in the entities message.

Truck Assignment

This object describes a truck assignment for an order.
See TruckAssignment definition under Schemas/TruckAssignment in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Truck Assignment
"idTruck": "TRCUK_01",
"idAvailablePeriod": "PERIOD_01"

Time Window

This object describes a time window.
See TimeWindow definition under Schemas/TimeWindow in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Time Window
"startWindow": "2020-11-09T07:30:00Z",
"endWindow": "2020-11-09T12:00:00Z"

startWindow and endWindow properties are timestamp that must comply with ISO 8601 standard.