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This object is a descendant of ARBaseEntity object, thus it inherits the entityType property
It extends Truck object.
See definition under Schemas/Truck in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Truck
"id": "Truck1",
"availablePeriods": [
"id": "DEFAUT",
"timeWindow": {
"start": "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00",
"end": "2023-10-19T16:30:00.000+02:00"
"departureSite": "Depot",
"arrivalSite": "Depot",
"maxWorkingTime": 43200,
"maxDrivingTime": 36000,
"usePriority": 0,
"maxRoutes": 2,
"idLegislationProfile": "DEFAUT",
"idTrailer": "",
"preLoading": "ON_ALL_ROUTES",
"postUnloading": "ONLY_ON_THE_LAST_ROUTE",
"idDepotProfile": "DEFAUT",
"idStops": []
"idVehicleType": "17000",
"costs": {
"fixedCostByUsedPeriod": 0,
"workingDayCost": 0,
"workingNightCost": 0,
"distanceCost": 0
"entityType": "TRUCK"

ARTruck add entityType property to API MPT Truck object.
For a truck, the entityType value is "TRUCK".


A truck id must be present and unique in the trucks list in the entities message.


costs property defines the costs to apply for the truck.


availablePeriods property define a list of available period

Available Period

This object describes a truck availability period.
See AvailablePeriod definition under Schemas/AvailablePeriod in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Availavle Period
"id": "DEFAUT",
"timeWindow": {
"start": "2023-10-19T05:00:00.000+02:00",
"end": "2023-10-19T16:30:00.000+02:00"
"departureSite": "Depot",
"arrivalSite": "Depot",
"maxWorkingTime": 43200,
"maxDrivingTime": 36000,
"usePriority": 0,
"maxRoutes": 2,
"idLegislationProfile": "DEFAUT",
"idTrailer": "",
"preLoading": "ON_ALL_ROUTES",
"postUnloading": "ONLY_ON_THE_LAST_ROUTE",
"idDepotProfile": "DEFAUT",
"idStops": []

timeWindow property defines the time window to apply on truck.


departureSite and arrivalSite properties are links to a site that must be present in sites list in the entities message.


idLegislationProfile property is a link to a legislation that must be present in legislationProfiles list in the entities message.


idTrailer property is a link to a trailer that must be present in trailers list in the entities message.

Time Window

This object describes a time window.
See TimeWindow definition under Schemas/TimeWindow in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Time Window
"startWindow": "2020-11-09T07:30:00Z",
"endWindow": "2020-11-09T12:00:00Z"

startWindow and endWindow properties are timestamp that must comply with ISO 8601 standard.


This object describes the costs to apply on truck.
See Costs definition under Schemas/Costs in MPT OpenAPI Documentation.

Example of Costs
"fixedCostByUsedPeriod": 120.45,
"workingDayCost": 8.2,
"workingNightCost": 10.4,
"distanceCost": 2